ManTiS project is divided into the following Work Packages (WP):
WP1 - Requirements Analysis, Specifications and Architecture
- Definition of use cases.
- End user requirements analysis.
- Definition of system architecture and specification of core components and interfaces.
- Selection of appropriate test cases for evaluation.
WP2 - Collection of IoT and Crowdsourced Uninterrupted Location Information Data
- Development of uninterrupted vehicle location monitoring methods and location data fusion algorithms.
- Vehicle parameter collection interface development.
- Design and development of data and notification management and visualisation application.
WP3 Location-aware NG-eCall Network Platform
- Design and development of SIP extensions for next generation eCall processing (NG-eCall).
- Development of appropriate calling application NG-eCall.
- Development of appropriate NG-eCall routing system.
WP4 Intelligent Real-time Big Data Analysis Services
- Design and deployment of appropriate Big Data platform (including Data Warehouse, Analytics Unit και Message Broker) for ManTiS.
- B2B and C2B interface implementation for data collection.
- Research, design and development of real-time driver evaluation cloud service.
- Research, design and development of real-time route evaluation (safety, consumption, congestion) cloud services.
WP5 Development of Safe Transportation and Driver Support Services
- Development of specific pilot applications based on the results and services of WP2, WP3 and WP4.
- Development of specific applications for at least three user types: highway operators, fleet managers and users - vehicle drivers.
WP6 Integration of Pilot Applications and System Evaluation
- Integration of services and software components in a common ManTiS platform.
- Integration process check and verification.
- Field testing under actual use conditions with real users.
- Feedback from test results to WPs 1-5 for constant system improvement.